sábado, 27 de abril de 2013


Some days ago I photographed the lovely Rita, my second photoshoot of the year, and I went for a very simple, raw look. All of these images were taken using natural light and a white backdrop. 
It's something a little different for me but I am happy I took the "risk". 

Hope you like it !

Photography and post-processing: Mariana Madeira
Model: Rita C. 


sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2013

Bright little dots

Bright little dots 

The concept/idea is not new but I wanted to try it myself, in my little studio - read "my white wall attic".

Photography and post-processing: Mariana Madeira
Model: Khristina B.


terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013


For some reason or the other, photography blogs always go through a long time of "no posts" for weeks, maybe even months but I want to change that by posting more inspirational images, personal thoughts and images of my own to fill this space with beautiful and pleasing content. 

Below you can see some images from my first photoshoot of 2013, with the talented Khristina. 

Photography and post-processing: Mariana Madeira
Model: Khristina B.
Styling: Khristina B.