quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

#Inspiration - Lookbook Roupeiro Alheio

So this is an #inspiration post about style/clothes and details because I'm thinking about photographing a "lookbook" for my page "Roupeiro Alheio" where i'm selling some clothes used on photoshoots.

* Credits: All of these images were sitting on my computer where I have countless folders with images, so I don't know who the photographers were - but if you do please let me know so I can credit you.

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

b&w vs Colour

(This image is a blog exclusive - just for you lovely people <3 )

It is just me or it’s “easier” to achieve an interesting b & w photo rather than a coloured one? I am constantly relying on b & w to achieve a more striking image but I should be able to do the same with colour right?
 It is harder to work with colour because you have to make sure that every shade looks good together.

Below are some of my images (recent and old) both colour and b&w - All of the b&w photos are recent and all the colour ones are old work.

* Someone needs to shoot some more in colour !

(Another blog exclusive !)

(And another one <3 )

quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

Roupeiro Alheio

Não, hoje não venho falar de fotografias, pelo menos não directamente, mas sim das peças de vestuário que aparecem em algumas das minhas fotografias. Pois bem, decidi colocar algumas delas à venda  aqui , para investir em equipamento fotográfico.

Infelizmente, apenas residentes em Portugal podem adquirir as peças de roupa que se encontram à venda na página. 

Agradecia que me ajudassem a divulgá-la junto dos vossos amigos e família ! 

Obrigada <3


This post is not photography related, well at least not directly. I explain - I decided to sell some of the clothes you see in some of my photography work in order to invest in new equipment, so it would be great if you coul help me share this page (where the clothing is for sale) with your friends and family.

Unfortunately, only people living in Portugal are able to buy the clothes. Sorry !

Thank you in advance for your time <3