quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014

30 days challenge - the end !

So it's the end of the 30 days challenge ! I am very sad - well not really, - to announce that I failed miserably, my willpower is not what it used to be and I couldn't stay away from Facebook or Pinterest ! I didn't spend as much time as I used to but I can't say it was a successful challenge - I promise I will try again in a few months or so.

Meanwhile I've set myself some personal challenges and goals to make some changes in my own little life and if I want something good to happen I have to be willing to put in the work.

Oddly enough, this blog has suffered some changes of direction last year without clear GPS coordinates  on where to go exactly,  quite similar to me or my life so I will be making some changes over the next few weeks/months to give this place a new look...well...a new direction<3

Meanwhile you can follow me on instagram to be up to date with everything.

sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

30 days challenge #offline

   New year - New habits !

Inspired by a friend who told me about this, I decided to start a 30 days challenge that will keep me away from social media and internet in general. The reason behind this is due to the crazy amount of time I spend everyday on the internet most of the times without doing anything productive so I am curious to see how much I can get done without having this "temptation".
There is nothing more satisfying than looking back and feel like you accomplished something you set out to achieve.  

I will return on February the 4th <3