quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Stand still

Stand Still 
Self-portrait - October 2013

Do you know the feeling of dreaming about something, wanting to do something but never get around to do it? I am not talking about "to do" list items, but instead something deeper, following your dreams deeper. It's like you are stuck and you want to do it but you do not take the first step, you are too afraid. People are living their lives, days are passing but you are standing still, you can't move, metaphorically speaking.

This self-portrait represents that, it's far from being what I had envisioned but I am pretty content with it, since it was my first proper attempt at "photo manipulation".

Let me know what you think !

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarianaMadeiraPhoto
Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/marianamadeira/boards/

Meanwhile I found this quote on Pinterest with the following comment, (I think is quite fitting):

"Fear has the ability to overpower our lives and leave us in a perpetual state of inaction where we don't move forward because we're too afraid of what might be. Fear can also be a good thing. A different view of it is to see it as a way to force you to grow and do things that push you out of your comfort zone. Today I challenge you to doing one thing that you've been putting off but deep down know you really want to do" - Rachel Gadiel

- Enjoy !

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